
This category contains 1 post

Wow… Where Did I Go?

Well the gig is up. I obviously have not been sewing for the past month and a half. So what have I been doing? Actually I’ve been writing. I got a freelance writing job that is keeping me busy busy busy. In addition, I’ve been learning copy writing, taking care of my little one, and resting here and there when I can. I’m a little exhausted but at the same time it’s a good feeling to accomplish so much each day. However, I think I’ll try to start posting to my little sewing blog again. The clutch I started in April (!) is almost finished. It only took me two months. 🙂

I’ve also got a sewing book to review, my first, that was a gift from my mom. And speaking of my mom she started her own sewing blog too. She’s even a little better at posting than I am. You can visit my mom’s blog here: Sew Feliz.

P.S. Wondering what my picture has to do with anything? Well in case you don’t recognize them that is the real life Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. It’s my daughter’s favorite movie and we watch it repeatedly here at home. I’m even thinking of being Sally for Halloween this year so that I can make my daughter laugh and because really Sally is the ultimate Halloween Town seamstress, no?

Live. Laugh. Aloha.

~ Mom to a busy toddler
~ Sometimes writer
~ Wanna-be seamstress
~ Red velvet cake connoisseur

Things I write about…